Medicine in School
Below is a copy of the Wessex MAT Administering Medicines Policy. This should be read in conjunction with the details below.
Piddle Valley Staff will happily administer medicines in school but we do need to have the relevant forms completed in advance. Attached under this key documents area are the following forms. These are available for printing, completing and bringing into school. You can also complete these in school. Many thanks.
Template A - Individual Health Care Plan - this is for longer term medicine e.g. asthma inhalers or long-term conditions
Template B - Parental Agreement for setting to administer medicine, this is for shorter-term conditions e.g. calpol, ear drops etc.
Template C - Record of medicine administered to an individual child - Please complete the top area and sign to accompany both templates A and B please. Although some of the questions are repetitive they are all necessary.
Children with Asthma
The school is licensed to hold a backup Salbutamol Emergency Inhaler on site in case a child's inhaler is out of date or out of puffs. Please complete the attached form if your child suffers with asthma so that we can administer safely.